Proper 27 Year B 2024: Mark 12:38-44
If you have spent any time on the internet, it will not surprise you to hear there is a corner of social media that is occupied by clergy asking one another for thoughts on a variety of topics. Sometimes that space is really helpful and affirming and sometimes it is the Bad Place. Last Sunday afternoon, a colleague asked clergy Facebook what sermon they think people will want to hear the Sunday after the election. And many other colleagues were mostly saying things about how we should all get along, find common purpose, how do we move forward together, etc. My friend Fr. Sam is on parental leave and going a little stir crazy without preaching for several weeks. His outline for a sermon on leaving your election sticker on your shirt, sending it through the wash, and ruining the shirt was…a lot. He texted me, “I know I'm not preaching next Sunday because of Leave but...I think all those fools are wrong. Can you imagine if your candidate loses and you think America is doomed? You don&