Epiphany 4, Year B 2024: Mark 1:21-28
In the television show Doctor Who, there are villains called Carrionites. For anyone who’s seen Doctor Who, it’s the Shakespeare episode. They seem like witches, but in Doctor Who the answer is never magic - it’s always science, and a science that is different or more advanced than what we have on earth, so the Carrionites are simply aliens who harness the power of words, using the right words in the right places to gain control over their foes. Carrionites placed great importance on knowing the name of an individual to give them personal, one-on-one power. Once The Doctor figures out with whom he’s dealing, he says, “I name you Carrionites!” At which they are repelled for a bit. In reality, the belief in the power of a name is certainly not a more advanced idea. It is an ancient method of making declarations about your relation to and power relative to others. In antiquity, knowledge of someone’s name or identity was thought to provide power over that person. So, when the unclea...