Last Pentecost, Christ the King, Year B 2024
When I was a curate, my rector had written prayers of the people for the entire three year lectionary cycle. Therefore, we didn’t use one of the forms in the Book of Common Prayer - which is actually what is being encouraged today in Episcopal seminaries. If you look at the prayers of the people on page 383, there is a list of six things you must offer prayers for, but then it says, “any of the forms which follow may be used” - “may” being the key word which means we can use the forms, but we don’t have to. On the Last Sunday after Pentecost, or Christ the King, during that curacy one year, I was preaching. And I laid in to the whole concept of Christ the King. I talked about how we had a shepherd yet demanded a king and we continue to insist on giving Christ a title he didn't claim for himself. And then we made it to the prayers of the people, written by my boss…where every single petition began with and was addressed to “Christ the King”. And I stand by what I said. We sometimes ...