3 Epiphany, Year C 2025: Luke 4:14-21
When I was a seminarian, there were two times in those three years when I was applying for church jobs at the same time as my entire class of fellow seminarians. The first time was toward the end of my first year, when we were all “church shopping” for our field education sites. In this process, there’s one particular “bid day” where supervising clergy are to call and offer you their seminarian “job”. It’s meant to make it more fair - it helps keep positions from “filling up” because supervisors can’t just hire the first seminarian they interview, but it can make the waiting feel like it lasts forever. The second time was at the end of my last year, when everyone was applying for their first jobs out of seminary. These times are stressful for two reasons: first, it feels like all of your friends have now become your competitors. Although this is not entirely true since we all bring different gifts, perform liturgy differently, and will be better fits for different parishes, it still fe...